It barely seems believable that I've been cohabiting with that word for the past six months. But its true. It has lurked around the corners of my day and haunted me in the night with all of its uncertainty. But, with all of its gloom, it also brought me moments of clear skies, and the time to work on things I wanted, and in some cases needed to. And for that I'm thankful. I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to visit my bff in SF, learned how to make stop animation videos, had my work exhibited, that I was able to go to my brother's wedding, and visit family in July and most importantly that I was able to learn how to define myself without a title from a job. And that really is the best lesson I've learned in the beautiful mess that unemployment is. I am not my job. Being a NYer, sometimes that is hard to say - but its true. So true.
So with that, I am going to ENJOY my last week of unemployment without the rain cloud of worry hanging over my head. There will be dancing in the streets, and sipping on champagne and visits to the beach and who this space for a week of celebration!