I'm still in Ohio visiting family, but had to update all the awesomeness that happened this weekend. Besides celebrating with family I am also trying to soak in all the Ohioness I can which means, great thrift stores, garage sales, time with my mom, seeing one of my college roommates, getting my hair did at JR's, grilling out, roadside farm stands and of course getting a hard time from my brother. Gotta love home.
Made the trek from Brooklyn to Suburbia (aka Ohio) today and found myself thoroughly amused with airport life and the rhythm of writing on the go - its so different from sitting at a desk or at a coffee shop. I think being forced to physically change spaces or write in *much smaller spaces than I'm used to really did something for me. Note.
That said, check out the mustache on that cop!! Riiiight?!!! Toto, we're not in Williamsburg anymore. Also, if the 'stache wasn't enough that kung-fu grip on the license comes in close second for being best thing I saw today besides my Mom. Ahh...the bliss of being back in Ohio.
Woke up early this morning (totally weird) and started right in on a freelance assignment that needs some serious lovin' before I head home to Ohio for my brother's wedding reception, tomorrow. Oh, hey packing...yah...right...I need to work on you too...I'll just be off in the corner doing a million things. Its. cool.
Took a walk through my city, cawfee in hand, computer in bag to an interview. Afterwards, I ducked into a movie theater to avoid the rain, and indulged my inner nerd to a little Harry Potter, and a walk through my old hood before heading home to work on a new freelance assignment. A quiet, but good rainy sorta day.
Also on my daily surfing of YouTube, I found this video - awesome idea, awesomer editing. And yes, awesomer is a word-cuz I said so.
me & Einav Einav's AWEsome photos my stuff. Some random other art I was digging...aren't those colors great? obligatory photo in front of your own work...hi Mom!
The gallery show was all that and a bag of chips. (yes, I just said that) And, it was HOT. Literally.
The gallery's air conditioning broke a few hours before the show...so with all the wonderful art and smiles, and glasses of wine, and congratulations and friends upon friends that showed up to show their support - we were also graced with a lovely humid evening, the likes of which we haven't seen all summer.
But, even with the heat it was an evening to remember...so, if you showed up, or sent virtual love...thank you again! xx.
Sunday...also referred to as my favorite day to finish projects, sip on cawfee with the NY Times, hang out with my crazy friends in the park with beverages and catch up on my people watching - very, VERY important inspiration, ya know.
Also, I'm totally digging these illustrations of cawfee shops around the BK.
The much anticipated show opens today and here is a little sneak peek at what will be there - along with 8 other gems, by yours truly. The gallery reception starts at 7, so if you're interested stop by!
In the meantime, check out this AWEsome video that my friend Jessica sent over...I wish my desk made all my little drawn creatures come to life, don't you?
So my upcoming gallery showing includes my pen and ink drawings with, wait for it...shorthand. I love shorthand is like the graphic equivalent of a dying language like Latin. Unlike Latin, however, we haven't inscribed shorthand into the marble in our courthouses, so sadly it is becoming completely lost. I was lucky enough to find a Pitmans Shorthand dictionary by chance last summer in a pile of books John Jay H.S. in Park Slope was giving away for free, and it has become a prized possession. Its featured right there, in that second photo. It has the most wonderful old smell and I love how graphic a simple word like flock can be. Only one more day till the show opens!
Midtown. You did me right, yesterday. Had a meeting uptown where my awesome copywriting friend, Jon, works. And, then later in the evening I met up with all of my usual suspects to partake in the NYC Philharmonic's show in Central Park. There was wine, there were Cool Ranch Doritos (!), sushi (!!), more wine, and my notebook filled with the horrible slash awesome things my friends were saying. So much inspiration all in one evening.
Went to Queens the other day to drop off stuff for the gallery show and was totally enamored at how AWESOME Queens is. Umm...that taxiacademy sign - could that be any better? To quote Liz Lemon, "I want to go to there" - NOW. !!
Had a weekend full of awesome adventures that took me and my notebook all over the place. On Saturday, we rode the rails all the way out to Riverhead in Long Island where I met up with old friends, shopped, ate sushi and drank lots of champagne. And, on Sunday we watched the lovely French folks play petanque at Brooklyn's Bastille Day celebration while brown bagging Sparks with college friends. I ask thee, does a weekend get any better?
While its been nothing but crickets in this space, I've been blasting NPR and this American Life for the past few days while I've been drawing up a storm.
I've been wanting to mention my exciting news in this space for a while, but wanted to wait until all my pieces were just about complete and today, they finally are! So, without further ado, I'm going to be showing some of my drawings at a gallery with my friend Einav and about 100 other artists in NYC a week from tomorrow. Look at this space for new drawings and updates on the show!
p.s. this made me laugh SO much...Evian you so crazy.
Had a meeting up in Harlem yesterday and took myself for a little walk beforehand. I'm always so pleased at how great things look overhead - isn't it silly that we hardly ever look up? ? I encourage you to do it - you'd be surprised what kind of gems are waiting for you up there.
I eased myself back into the "trying to find a job" routine with a little sega this morning and jesus - that shit is so good. I don't care what anyone says I'm totally smitten with the 90s graphics and sound. And how I ask you can I barely remember to send my rent in on time when I can still remember where all the extra lives are hidden?! Srsly. Anyways, I hope your 4th was full of fireworks, sun and a cold beer - mine was full of all of the above plus one atlantic ocean and a sea of my friends. Yesterday, I hung out with my friend Einav, took these photos, sipped on cawfee, wrote lots on my laptop, updated my site with this new gem, sipped more cawfee, got a 40 in the park and concepted, nibbled on sushi, ran into random ad folks on the sidewalk (running into peeps on the street is one of my FAVORITE aspects of NYC), then scampered home to draw and plot for something I'll share here in a few days. Rar...ok, back to our regularly scheduled programming....dancing and writing to this:
Hi, I'm Salina. This is my blog where I note what it's like to write, work, and have adventures in New York City. Welcome!
Everything seen here is original content by yours truly, unless stated otherwise. Feel free to link to anything you find here, but please (pretty please) do not take my content or photographs to use on your own blog, web site, or other randomness without my permission...it'll royally tick me off, and that'll make everyone sad.
holla at me here: salinaATsalinacoleDOTcom