Sometimes being a "freelancer" (aka unemployed) writer I find myself down in the dumps. Like the real dumps. Ya know, the place where grey clouds rule the skies and it seems as if creativity is on its deathbed. BUT, I've been told that this is normal for people that have recently lost their jobs.
So yay for being "normal".
That said I was having one particularly bad day last week and was lamenting my woes to my dear friend Einav and she came up with this wonderful list of reasons to be happy and because its so wonderful I feel it NEEDS to be shared. My apologies that some of these only make sense to me, but this is my blog, riiiight? But, if you're having a bad day try and remember why you're awesome, why the world is awesome and why you're lucky to be a part of it, or just look at this list:
1. because there is so much inspiration everywhere
2. because every-time we're low is a time to prove to the world that we we will be optimistic and fuck it.
3. because you're a rocker ninja so you can definitely tell it to fuck it
4. our art gallery ... when?
5. we're healthy people. without any serious problems.
6. you're beautiful
7. we're going on a road trip on your b-day
8. netflix
9. netflix instant online
10. amazing work for artem to come... (woo-hoo)
11. https://slingshot-us.mytbwa.com/43e5f3a12532761c752a7d0bdf50501b (download to see my latest Twofer video! and tell me what you think. Not done yet...)
12. creating, stories, character, drawings, scarves... creating anything that the world didn't have before.
13. the ability to go running really really fast
14. showers when you talk into the water
15. Super loves you
16. Good music
17. Good friends ;-)
18. Always remember to distinguish happiness and pleasure! Life might not be pleasurable now but you're learning to strive more and more for happiness.
19. Helping others. If you feel bad tomorrow then go volunteer somewhere. anywhere.
20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us-TVg40ExM
My favorite has to be #3...going to be one now :)