May 30, 2009

saturday morning musings.

blurry rose.
pretty red.
wet and dying.
rainy roses.
Wrote a story this morning, based off these flowers. They smelled so incredibly good, and it made me wonder why all things that are in the process of dying can't smell as good. Now, I'm off to the city to work on a freelance project.

love you, mean it.

communist-look alike.
pink hippo.
pink & red.
birthday card for Annie.
I spent Friday writing in the East Village, before heading out to celebrate my friend Annie's birthday. Annie, thank gawd you're back from Argentina, NYC wasn't the same without you! While I was out celebrating, I had the pleasure of hanging out with two contributors to this site, such awesome ladies.
Also, I want this outfit SO badly. Purple is the new awesome. But it for me, puhlease?

May 29, 2009

lady barrow's tours of europe are for book lovers.

lady barrow.
no parking.
boarded up.
no parking. 1.
maybe I'll get a job here?
Worked in Carroll Gardens yesterday, and I'm still dreaming of going on a trip with Lady Barrow, want to join?
Also, these made me smile, and as did this. And, for a slow, sultry song that totally matches today, listen to this.

May 28, 2009

working in ass-toria.

clocks with clocks.
rhubarb, god I love thee.
food stalls in astoria.
Hung out in Astoria yesterday with my friend Devi, sipping cawfees, making Indian food, watching Indian movies and of course writing.
Check out this and this, for some smiles & inspiration. That first link is SO good.

May 27, 2009

the work day, in the BK.

making things work.
for rent, by owner.
Inside writing, meeting up with friends and talking future plans and loving this site my friend Luke pointed out to me.
So so so good, and very Luke.

May 26, 2009

birthday part 2 (into the weekend we go!)

travel agency.
cross walks.
bubbles with Einav
birthday eats.
Walks around Beacon NY with Einav. The whole day was full of smiles and laughter and small town charm.

May 22, 2009

27th birthday, part 1.

birthday package from my momma.
pretty chairs & fabric.
birthday lunch.
birthday love from Einav.
I'm back from my birthday adventures, one year older and full of great memories. Woke up early, opened packages from my mom & aunt, then met up with my friend Einav for a full day of upstate fun. We took the train to Beacon, Ny, ate delicious sandwiches, gazed at art at Dia:Beacon, and wrote stories on the train ride back to the good.

May 21, 2009

birthday girl.

this is williamsburg, ya'll.
out with the flowers.
the haircut.
Today, I'm skipping "work" and heading up the Hudson to DIA:Beacon to celebrate my bday with my friend Einav! Can't wait for all the art and small town homeyness and the magic of feeling 27 to hit me! If you need me I'll be celebrating, check back manana.

May 20, 2009

writing in Harlem.

gray in Harlem.
view from my desk in Harlem.
part 1 of lunch in Harlem.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of heading up to Harlem to work at my friend Artem's start-up company. The boys were kind enough to invite me over while I was working on some ad stuff for them AND feed me one of the best meals I'll have all month. They actually have their own private chef! The food was delicious, as was the company. And, today I'm off to get my hair cut for the first time in 4.5 months, w00t!

May 18, 2009

things I'm loving.

Things I'm Loving: graphic novels.
Things I'm Loving: birthday mail.
Things I'm Loving: Laurie & Barbara.

It's my birthday week! And, I've been noticing that I'm surrounded by some truly lovely things...good books, good letters, and good music - what more could a girl want for her bday?
Also, I'm loving those dolls up here. (scroll down about 3-4 images)

May 14, 2009

if you could, would you name a building after me?

St. Albans
I've been taking lots of walks in the rain this past week and I've noticed that all these old apartment buildings in my 'hood have the greatest names! That last one really steals my heart, I so *so wish I lived in a building called Ramona. Don't you?
"Yah, just pop by Ramona and say hi"...or "I'm going home to Ramona", "Ramona has cockroaches again...gotta call the exterminator"...oooh so good.
In completely unrelated news, my friend Marco sent me this and it made me wrong, but so right.

May 11, 2009

reasons to be happy.

rocker ninja.
Sometimes being a "freelancer" (aka unemployed) writer I find myself down in the dumps. Like the real dumps. Ya know, the place where grey clouds rule the skies and it seems as if creativity is on its deathbed. BUT, I've been told that this is normal for people that have recently lost their jobs.
So yay for being "normal".
That said I was having one particularly bad day last week and was lamenting my woes to my dear friend Einav and she came up with this wonderful list of reasons to be happy and because its so wonderful I feel it NEEDS to be shared. My apologies that some of these only make sense to me, but this is my blog, riiiight? But, if you're having a bad day try and remember why you're awesome, why the world is awesome and why you're lucky to be a part of it, or just look at this list:
1. because there is so much inspiration everywhere
2. because every-time we're low is a time to prove to the world that we we will be optimistic and fuck it.
3. because you're a rocker ninja so you can definitely tell it to fuck it
4. our art gallery ... when?
5. we're healthy people. without any serious problems.
6. you're beautiful
7. we're going on a road trip on your b-day
8. netflix
9. netflix instant online
10. amazing work for artem to come... (woo-hoo)
11. (download to see my latest Twofer video! and tell me what you think. Not done yet...)
12. creating, stories, character, drawings, scarves... creating anything that the world didn't have before.
13. the ability to go running really really fast
14. showers when you talk into the water
15. Super loves you
16. Good music
17. Good friends ;-)
18. Always remember to distinguish happiness and pleasure! Life might not be pleasurable now but you're learning to strive more and more for happiness.
19. Helping others. If you feel bad tomorrow then go volunteer somewhere. anywhere.

My favorite has to be #3...going to be one now :)

May 7, 2009

pedals for my heart.

534 pedals.
pedals on the doorstep, 1.
531 your pedals are the best.
Ahhh the glorious look of pink pedals on the grey and brown stoops in my neighborhood. Have I mentioned how much I love the look of my neighborhood this spring. Park Slope, I was new to you last year but this year you have showed me how awesomely beautiful you can be...even with all the grey skies we've been having this spring. <3 you and your Park *so much.

I've been less and I've been more.

ray (and salina) was here.
brown and blue.
writing with my  coauthor.
sometimes I feel this way.
The past few days have been a full of peaks and valleys around here. There has been a lot of working on new campaigns for my portfolio, and lots of writing in my own journal trying to figure out what to do about this unemployment business. The sad thing about unemployment is that unless you've gone through it you can't really understand - its full of days that are gloomy like these photos (and the weather in!? its May!) and then other days when I feel full of light, hope and the crazy feeling that not only are things going to be okay - they're going to be better than okay. So basically put those feelings on a loop on repeat and that's what I've been dealing with for the past 2 months, its exhausting but I'm starting to think that maybe the clarity I'm getting from this time will be invaluable.