April 8, 2009

writing 4.8.09

So the life of a freelancer/unemployed/looking for work copywriter seems to be a something that cracks me up lately. Such an odd thing. And, my days are filled with things that I am not used to doing, like:
-Sending emails to people who don't respond. I've taken to it like a game. What is the funniest headline I can write for a subject line? Is, "A monkey told me to email you" too weird?
-Drinking coffee ALL day long. Ya know, in the morning at home, then in the afternoon at a coffee shop then again in the evening while I'm at a different cafe writing. I'm creating a serious caffeine addiction.
-Having time to go running in the middle of the afternoon
-Surfing Craigslist, daily. I'm not gonna lie I've slipped over into the "housing swap" section on more than one occasion while pondering how I could escape this unemployment
-Talking to my Mom more than our once a day. What? You don't? Sheesh. I mean, she's only the coolest person, eva.
-Making google maps of things I want to eat.
-Listening to old SWV while writing. Cause I can. As loudly as I want.
-Staring at cute boys in coffee shops.
-Reading everything on my GoogleReader. I still can't believe that I did that. Just shows you what time will do for you
-Reading the news DAILY - I was pretty bad at this when I was working
Anyways, that's just a sampling of my day. Random, right?

Ok, I'm off to stare at more cute boys and words.