After the “25 Things” craze that is happening over on facebook, I thought it might be fun to take a look into 25 secret things you might not know about me when it comes to writing. Let the games begin:
1. I was a really bad writer in High School. I got an F on 2 papers my sophomore year, but thanks to my favorite English teacher she let me redo them and those F’s turned into A’s.
2. I knew how to read and write (some important things, like my name) when I was four.
3. I regret not having kept a journal as a child.
4. I am very diligent about keeping a journal now.
5. I often wonder what my family will think of the things I’ve written in my journal after I’m long gone.
6. Six is my favorite number to write.
7. I hate it when people spell words wrong. Especially digitally. Spell check is a godsend, use it!
8. I have words I hate writing. The word “sincerely” tops the list. Most people spell it wrong (see number seven). Also, I feel like whenever it is used at the end of business letters/emails it is in a very formal sense and whatever information came before it probably does not fit the word’s definition of “with genuineness”. ‘Nuff said.
9. I have about 20 half-written short stories that cry and beg for attention whenever I’m at home.
10. Most of the time the cries of previously mentioned short stories go unanswered. Woe is them.
11. When I *do finish a short story, it is lucky if it is read by one other person. For me sharing my personal writing is like showing someone my colon – its a common procedure, but you only go through it a few times in life.
12. When I’m not writing, I spend a lot of time drawing girls with sad eyes and playful hearts. I write stories for these girls…sometimes (see number nine).
13. I have a hard time writing without a beverage at hand.
14. I only listen to ambient music when writing. Lately my favorites have been Amiina, and Crystal Castles.
15. I tap my foot to the beat of whatever I’m listening to while writing. This apparently annoys my co-workers and has become a running joke in the office. I can’t hear them talking about my noise due to my headphones, so they leave me funny notes on my desk that say things like: Just say no to happity-tappity-tappity.
I’m trying to stop.
I swear.
16. I do my best writing in the morning. But, I do my best story concepting in the evening.
17. To me, writing is an art. And, the most beautiful thing about art is that as long as you want to be, you can be an artist. Yay for being an artist!
18. Nobody sends real mail anymore. But I simply adore writing and getting written letters. I have 2 boxes of letters at home. Most of the people I correspond with are older members of my family. I like getting caught up in their history.
19. I have a hard time writing at desks. Tables and floors suit me much better.
20. I’m really glad that I don’t have to write on a real typewriter daily. They’re pretty to look at but make revisions oh so hard.
21. I hate to admit it, but I’m not the best at grammar. Strunk & White will be with me till the end.
22. I don’t think I have the great American novel in me, and I’m totally cool with that.
23. If I ever were to write a book, I’d write it with my Mom.
24. I wish I could write beautifully in German and Spanish.
25. Writing and taking pictures for this blog makes me incredibly happy.