January 2, 2009

Writing 1.2.09

Dear 2009,
I’d like to say I’m glad you’re here.

Me and my Ohio friends welcomed you in right, no? There was drinking, there was reminiscing about your old friend 2008 and now we’re on a journey of getting to know each other…intimately.

But (yes there is a but and we’re only 2 days in here, folks) I’m sorry to report that after a full week and a half of not gracing the keyboard with my presence my brain is a bit rusty. Now baby 2009 (my favorite version of 2009...I hate it when they make the year look all old like Father time), if this is how you’re gonna treat me when it comes to writing we’re gonna have to have a serious discussion. So, it pains me to report this, but you’re on probation. Yes, probation...until I get my writing mojo back.

Now, I know what you’re thinking baby 2009, you’re thinking that this keyboard funk should be blamed on 2008. Well maybe it could be blamed on the last few days of 2008 where I lounged and ate way too many Christmas cookies while watching bad holiday movies, but 2008 was too good to my writing for me to place the blame of this new funk.

So, I am left with nobody but you, baby 2009, to blame. After just a few hours of concepting my brain is wheezing like a fat man on a treadmill and that ain’t good. So consider this a written over-the-glasses look and a warning that if you don’t shape up, we’s gonna have serious fighin words. Kapeesh?