January 13, 2009

writing 1.13.09

Wouldn’t it be better if today was FRIDAY the 13th instead of Tuesday the 13th? I always ask myself that question when its NOT Friday the 13th. Freaky Friday, how I love thee and your "bad wrap"-I wish you'd come around more often. But, Freaky Friday, what I especially love about you is the fact that Hollywood has used your “bad luck” in countless movie plots – the worst of which involved a Miss Lohan. Whenever I see movies like this advertised I wonder, what in the world would it be like to be a writer in Hollywood that writes this crap. Do the writers just laugh their way to the bank as they are selling out? Or do they cry themselves to sleep at night? Or, are they like many writers (myself included) that are just happy to have jobs right now and are neither laughing or crying at their situation?

Oh Tuesday the 13th, you’ve got my head spinning in circles like a Freaky Friday sans a mind swap with my Mom. But, now that I've had that mind warp, I must get back to concepting like a good little copywriter.