Subway adventures with Einav. Writing stories based off of things we say without meaning to. Homemade pizza and half a bottle of wine....ooopsy doops. All in all a great way to end the week, if I do say so myself.
Found myself all over the place on Saturday. Dumbo. Chinatown. Fort Green Williamsburg. And back to the Slope.
But the best part of the whole day was catching up with old friends from Saatchi. Brunch with my gals and coffee with one of my favorite art directors and his wife visiting from the Dominican Republic.
Yes, I do get depressed when my noodles are gone. But, finding an app that lets me turn my favorite words into a scrolling banner...umm that cheers me right up.
Eating noodles jibber jabbering about the 4th dimension vs. the 3rd dimension: You got a 780 on the math portion of the SAT? How is that even possible? What's happening? Why are we talking math & science at work, holmes? ... Look! I have red tights. And grey shoes. That's all you need to know to know anything good...rar
Hi, I'm Salina. This is my blog where I note what it's like to write, work, and have adventures in New York City. Welcome!
Everything seen here is original content by yours truly, unless stated otherwise. Feel free to link to anything you find here, but please (pretty please) do not take my content or photographs to use on your own blog, web site, or other randomness without my'll royally tick me off, and that'll make everyone sad.
holla at me here: salinaATsalinacoleDOTcom